Living in Philadelphia

This is one of our most fun sections on the site because it rounds up all the best things about living in Philadelphia—the city center, but also the surrounding suburbs. We also cover new laws and ordinances that might impact your life, upcoming events of note, and more.

Want to know the best parks in the city? We have you covered. A new street food festival or pop-up restaurant featuring a world-reknowned chef? We definitely have you covered there, too. Wondering about the latest developments on school zoning, new city taxes, and more? If the news impacts Philadelphia it will be found here!

We love our city and look forward to sharing with you the aspects of living in Philly, from food to culture to neighborhoods and more.

We hope you enjoy the information we offer! If we can help you in any way, please speak with one of our talented real estate agents, or directly contact the Center City Team office: 215.440.2093

July 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton to Visit Philadelphia Friday

Presumptive Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton will visit the City of Brotherly Love on Friday as one of her last campaign stops before the Democratic National Convention, which will also be held in Philadelphia. Clinton will visit Scranton along with vice-president Joe Biden before stopping in Philadelphia. She will deliver the keynote address at the Bicentennial of the African Methodist […]
July 7, 2016

Items Found In Colonial Privies to Be Shown In Revolution Museum

They say that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. This is especially true when you add in the variable of three centuries between the trash-dumping and its discovery. Such is the case in Philadelphia, where interesting historical items have been excavated from a dozen colonial-age privies (or toilets) found on the site of the upcoming Museum of the American […]
July 6, 2016

Tour Focuses on Scandalous Lives of the Founding Fathers

It’s easy to view historical figures in an almost saintly light. Immortalized in dignified painted portraits, one tends to forget that these were people, real people with real lives as colorful and interesting as our own. One doesn’t think often of George Washington’s sex life, for instance. And yet, a new tour in Philadelphia is exposing the public to the […]
July 5, 2016
Camping for DNC philly

Sanders Supporters Book Up Campgrounds for DNC Protests

Who knew that Bernie Sanders would provide an inadvertent boom for the campground industry? Supporters of Senator Sanders, who disapprove of Hillary Clinton’s presumptive nomination for the Democratic candidacy for president, are planning to gather en mass to protest during the Democratic National Convention, to be held later this month in Philadelphia. Cheryl Robinson, co-owners of the Four Seasons campground […]
June 30, 2016

Philly News Briefs: 6/30/16

1.) Bernie Sanders is encouraging Democrats to donate so that his pledged delegates can afford the trip for Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention. He sent out a batch of e-mails encouraging supporters to help delegates, many of whom are not wealthy, pay for the trip to the convention which, with airfare, hotel costs, and other expenses, can add up […]
June 28, 2016
wells fargo

Verizon Makes Network Upgrades in Philly Ahead of DNC

Republican or Democrat, delegate or protester, there’s a safe bet that everyone attending the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia will be doing some of the same things: calling, texting, and uploading pictures to social media during the convention. The number of people present and using local networks would put a strain on any provider, but Verizon is preparing for the […]
June 27, 2016

Philadelphia Earns Recognition for Reducing Childhood Obesity

It’s widely recognized that childhood obesity is a national problem in the United States. Not only are obese children likely to become obese adults, but the condition is associated with a host of dangerous comorbidities, including Type 2 diabetes and cardiac problems. Luckily, the nation is starting to realize the dangers of childhood obesity and taking steps to curb the […]
June 24, 2016
poverty group

Activists Sue Philadelphia Over Thwarted DNC Protest

All political conventions have something in common: protestors. In the case of the upcoming Democratic National Convention, being held in Philadelphia, they’re anticipating LOTS of protestors. Provisions are being made for these groups as they exercise their First Amendment right to free speech, but one group is claiming to be disenfranchised by the city’s rules. The Poor People’s Economic Human […]
June 23, 2016
9/11 memorial

Philadelphia to Get a New, Controversial 9/11 Memorial

Philadelphia is long overdue to get a 9/11 memorial. Most major cities have one – even my own hometown has one, recently constructed. It’s an oversight that city officials have been talking about fixing for a long time. And now, it seems, the City of Brotherly Love will finally get its own memorial. Sounds like a plan, right? Well, like […]