Living in Philadelphia

This is one of our most fun sections on the site because it rounds up all the best things about living in Philadelphia—the city center, but also the surrounding suburbs. We also cover new laws and ordinances that might impact your life, upcoming events of note, and more.

Want to know the best parks in the city? We have you covered. A new street food festival or pop-up restaurant featuring a world-reknowned chef? We definitely have you covered there, too. Wondering about the latest developments on school zoning, new city taxes, and more? If the news impacts Philadelphia it will be found here!

We love our city and look forward to sharing with you the aspects of living in Philly, from food to culture to neighborhoods and more.

We hope you enjoy the information we offer! If we can help you in any way, please speak with one of our talented real estate agents, or directly contact the Center City Team office: 215.440.2093

October 24, 2016
Grace Kelly

Prince Albert Buys Grace Kelly’s Former Home

Prince Albert of Monaco has purchased the Philadelphia home where his mother, the iconic movie star Grace Kelly, grew up and accepted a marriage proposal from his father, Prince Rainer III. Prince Albert confirmed to People magazine that the home was now in the hands of the royal family. He said in a statement that the Kelly home is “very […]
October 19, 2016
clinton and kaine

Clinton and Kaine Back in Philadelphia Saturday

Proving once again that Philadelphia is considered an important part of the presidential race, Hillary Clinton and her VP pick, Tim Kaine, will be back in town Saturday for what is far from the first time this fall – or even this month. Clinton and Kaine will be appearing in both Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, long considered to be Democratic strongholds […]
October 18, 2016

Bernie Sanders to Appear at Free Library

Still bummed that Bernie Sanders didn’t get the nomination for the Democratic Party’s presidential candidacy? Just an admirer of the charismatic and intelligent Senator? You’ll be excited to know that you can feel the Bern at an upcoming event held at the Free Library of Philadelphia, where Sanders will promote his new book. Entitled Our Revolution: A Future to Believe […]
October 17, 2016

Geno’s Removes Infamous “Speak English” Sign

It was only a small sign, no bigger than one of the cheesesteak hoagies for which the restaurant was famous. But it caused a big uproar. Posted in the window of Geno’s Steaks of Philadelphia, it blared its message loud and clear. An unimpressed-looking American eagle stood sentry over the words: “This is America. When ordering, ‘speak English.'” Geno’s now-deceased […]
October 14, 2016

Behind in Polls, Team Trump Canvasses Philly Area

Coming along with news that critical segments of Pennsylvania are rooting for opponent Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump sent two of his closest allies out into the Philadelphia suburbs on Thursday. With time running short on this election cycle and November 8th looming ever closer, the Republican candidate is trying hard to run damage control following a 2005 video from backstage […]
October 13, 2016

Bloomberg: Clinton Gains Lead in Philly Suburbs

According to a new Bloomberg poll released this week, Hillary Clinton is trouncing Donald Trump among voters in the Philadelphia suburbs. In fact, her dominion there is so strong that it might be enough to swing the whole state in her favor come Election Day – and, in winning Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes, cut off Trump’s chance of making it […]
October 12, 2016

Philly Health Department Combats Smoking

By now it’s no mystery that cigarette smoking is terrible for one’s health. Even smokers know that, thanks to warnings on cigarette packaging and advertisements, as well as decades of public health education. Then there’s the fact that cigarettes are highly taxed, causing them to cost an arm and a leg. You might think that there’s an abundance of disincentives […]
October 11, 2016

Italian Museum to Come to Philadelphia

Philadelphia is a melting pot of cultures, but some have made such an impact on the city that it’s impossible to discern where the national culture stops and Philly begins. Such is the case with Italian traditions and heritage in the City of Brotherly Love. Italian culture is a huge part of Philadelphia, from the food to the architecture to […]
October 10, 2016

Mayor Kenney Rags Jimmy Fallon Over Philly Accent

“Saturday Night Live” took a (fictional) detour to the City of Brotherly Love this weekend, with comedy vets Tina Fey and Jimmy Fallon depicting two female voters from the Philly suburbs who were undecided as to their votes in the upcoming presidential election. Philadelphia has been the focus of much attention by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in recent weeks, […]