Could LeBron James be coming to play for the Sixers? The rumors may not be true, but they sure are picking up steam.
Okay, Philadelphia, what’s with all the whispers about LeBron James? Is there any credence to the rumors that “King” James could be considering a jump to the 76ers at the end of this season, when he officially becomes a free agent, or is it just so much smoke being concocted by bored Philly sports fans whose Super Bowl hype is starting to ebb and who need something new to stir them up?
Could LeBron James be coming to play for the Sixers? The rumors may not be true, but they sure are picking up steam.
Here’s what we know for sure. In Ohio, where LeBron James currently plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers, three billboards paid for by what ESPN called “a Philadelphia business” went up. Navy blue in color, they display the bold text #PhillyWantsLeBron in the red, white, and blue color scheme of the Sixers. James has a $35.6 million contract option with the Cavs, but he will be free this summer. And it’s been all downhill from there. Depending on who you ask, James either definitely did or did not visit the City of Brotherly Love recently during the All Stars break to check out area high schools for his three children… the unspoken conjunction being that he did so because he is thinking of jumping ship to the Sixers.
As per NBA rules, teams are not allowed to scout (or poach, in this case) specific players, but there’s nothing stopping fans from doing the most to woo a player on their own.
If James is in any way serious about Philly, he’s keeping his cards close to his chest. “Pennsylvania? Nah,” he said. “What are you talking about? Over the All-Star break I was on vacation and then went to Los Angeles.” He did say that he was honored that Philly fans were trying to pull him in: “You can say it’s a distraction, it’s not,” he said. “It is actually very flattering that I’m sitting here at 33 and in my 15th year and teams or guys — I don’t want to say teams because that becomes tampering. But people in their respective city want me to play for them. That’s cool I think. That’s dope.”