This Japanese version of the LOVE statue shows the red-green-blue color scheme. Once Philly's statue is back on display, it will show off some purple, which was always part of sculptor Robert Indiana's plans.
The LOVE statue is a symbol of Philadelphia. It’s been out of action for the past few months while Love Park had some improvements done upon it. Turns out that when the park reopens and the famous statue comes out of storage, it will have gotten a makeover that was a long time coming.
This Japanese version of the LOVE statue shows the red-green-blue color scheme. Once Philly’s statue is back on display, it will show off some purple, which was always part of sculptor Robert Indiana’s plans.
Those familiar with the LOVE statue, even if just in pictures, are familiar with its red, blue, and green color scheme. It turns out that, when artist Robert Indiana made the original in 1975, the statue was intended to be red, purple and green.The mistake happened during a renovation of the statue back in 1988. Indiana’s people made the request that the statue be restored to its correct colors during the current reno, which is taking place now. It turns out that the city contacted Indiana’s reps to get the color codes for the paint they needed to refinish the statue, and it was at that point that the difference in colors was brought up.
“We were happy that the representatives brought the more accurate colors to the city’s attention,” says Public Art Director Margot Berg.
It seems that Indiana visited the City of Brotherly Love, along with his statue, in the mid-1990s. According to record, he was not pleased to discover that the LOVE statue was painted in the wrong color scheme. Why the problem wasn’t immediately addressed and remedied is uncertain.
According to an article by CBS: “Berg says she confirm that the original was purple, both with the fabricator– “and we know it’s the right LOVE sculpture because it has a stamp on the side and they’re each numbered and it was the only 6 foot LOVE that was fabricated in 1975”– and with photographic evidence from Temple’s archive, which had a picture of the statue from the bicentennial.”
The Philadelphia LOVE statue is even more unique with its correct colors, Berg says, because Indiana said it was the only purple sculpture he had made.