Jim Kenney to Be Sworn In As Philadelphia’s 99th Mayor


Jim Kenney will become Philadelphia's 99th mayor today.

Today Philadelphia gets a new mayor. Jim Kenney will be sworn in at 10 AM this morning, closing the door on Michael Nutter’s two-term reign as mayor of the City of Brotherly Love. Kenney will take office along with all the new members of the Philadelphia City Council this morning at the Academy of Music.


Jim Kenney will become Philadelphia’s 99th mayor today.

Jane Roh, spokesperson for city council president Darrell Clarke, says that the inauguration ceremony is one that is filled with tradition. It has taken place on the first Monday in January following an election for “at least one hundred years.” According to Philly.com, “Common Pleas Court Judge Kevin M. Dougherty, who will be sworn in as a Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice the following day, will administer the oath of office to Kenney at 10 a.m. at the Academy of Music.”

Both Darrell Clarke and Kenney are expected to focus their inaugural speeches on Philadelphia’s struggling school system, a topic that was a major theme during the election cycle. Students will also be involved in the ceremony. There will be a performance by the Girard Academic Music Program choir as well as one by the string quarter of CAPA, the Philadelphia High School for the Creative and Performing Arts.

The ceremony will be attended by Governor Wolf and Senator Bob Casey, as well as all living former mayors of Philadelphia. Once it is wrapped up the newly-minted city officials will walk to City Hall, shaking hands along the way. Once literally in office, Kenney will sign several executive orders.

Kenney served on the City Council for two decades before being elected as mayor in November.