Joe’s Steak + Soda Shop deliver a consistently tasty sandwich and might be a good place to try the Cheese Whiz variety if you haven’t sampled that masterpiece yet. (Photo credit: Joe’s Steak + Soda Shop).
Outrageous rivalries, exaggerated claims of excellence, fans with hearts so inflamed as to be moved to violence… nope, this doesn’t concern the NFL playoffs. I’m talking cheesesteaks, easily the most contentious of culinary subjects in Philadelphia. A longstanding sense of competition has permeated the beef-and-Cheese-Whiz biz in Philly, with diehards of particular venues willing to throw down over the alleged superiority of their favorites.
Into this fray ventured GQ’s food critic, Alan Richman, who recently published his personal ranking of the 10 Best Cheesesteaks in Philadelphia. To say the internet’s reaction has been vociferous would be an understatement. Richman’s taste buds, judgment, and methodology have all been called into question, as bloggers, columnists, and commenters have collectively taken issue with his rankings. The Philly Eater blog “wholeheartedly encouraged” readers to “come back… and yell about the results,” and commenters on MyFox Philly, not needing the encouragement, referred to Richman by unprintable names.
Richman and his hand-assembled team of cohorts eschewed local legends like Pat’s and Geno’s in favor of up-and-comer Sonny’s Famous, on Market Street. The critic was seduced by Sonny’s tasty combination of “juicy” beef and “gooey” cheese, the latter of which was pleasingly mixed into the meat for optimal taste. Philip’s and Joe’s also won high accolades. Lower on the list were eateries that lost points for poor customer service, uninspiring rolls, undercooked onions, or anemic servings of provolone. Regardless of your cheesesteak allegiance, the GQ honor roll is a worthwhile read if for no other reason than sparking heated debate. No better way to warm up on a chilly winter day!
So now we put it to you – in the impassioned debate over the best cheesesteak in town, where do you find yourself satisfying the craving?