Are you inadvertently derailing your home sale by turning off prospective buyers? Find out the biggest seller blunders here.
Is your real estate agent complaining behind your back about what a bad client you are? You might be able to make a guess if you read about the worst blunders that Philadelphia sellers make when their home goes on the market. You may be totally clueless about your unintentional sale sabotage, but I bet that your agent knows what’s up. Here, straight from the experts, are some of the biggest goofs that sellers make.
There are predictable reasons why buyers may be repelled by your home. One that is easily within your control is the amount of “personality” you show in your home’s decor. Brightly-colored walls and “loud” decorating aren’t for everyone, and will interfere with your buyers being able to easily picture themselves in the house. Also, if you have a cat or dog, pet smells can send buyers running for the hills. Anything that makes your house smell bad, whether it’s caked-on cooking grease, an unkempt bathroom, or Fluffy’s litter box, is a near-instant turnoff and deal-breaker for picky buyers.
If you are declining showings for any reason, you can deter buyers. I get it; I really do. Having to be “on call” for strangers to traipse through your home and peek in the closets at any given time can be hell on the nerves. There will be times where you are relaxing after a long day at work, the kid has just gone down for a nap, or you just don’t feel like getting dressed up and occupying yourself for an hour or so. Buyers want immediate access – if they can’t look at a house they like, they are liable to move on to the next one on the list. An even worse blunder is staying in the house during a showing. You might think that you are inconspicuous, but your agent will feel uncomfortable being open with the potential buyer and the buyers won’t feel at ease either.
These are just a few of the ways that Philadelphia sellers can err when putting their home on the market. Hopefully, now that you know about them, you can avoid making them yourself.