Everyone dreams of a big white wedding, but paying for it is a heady proposition. A Philadelphia couple is seeking sponsorship for their big day.
Everyone knows that weddings cost buckets of money. Today’s American wedding costs tens of thousands of dollars. You could certainly debate whether spending all that cash on one day – not matter how magical – is really a better deal than, say, putting a down payment on a house, but the fact remains that plenty of engaged people opt for the classic “big white wedding.” Jodi Gilbert and her fiancée, David Grzybowski, both of Philadelphia, are dreaming of that kind of grandeur for their nuptials. But they would prefer not to crack open their wallets to make it happen, at least not all the way. The couple are seeking sponsors for their big day.
Everyone dreams of a big white wedding, but paying for it is a heady proposition. A Philadelphia couple is seeking sponsorship for their big day.
“The night we got engaged, I posted a picture on Facebook and jokingly hashtagged: #lookingforweddingsponsors,” Gilbert told ABC6. But what started as a laugh quickly turned serious. Gilbert and Grzybowski are looking to get freebie goods and services at their wedding through sponsorship and product placement.
“We want anything from a table sponsor, to a step and a repeat, to decals on the floor, goodie bags,” says the groom. “I really want to rock a cool shoe at the wedding so if there’s a shoe company out there that wants to sponsor me and my groomsmen.”
The couple are hoping that their wedding will go viral, which is about as much as they can offer prospective sponsors. They say that they will also ask their wedding guests to tag the big day’s sponsors in their social media posts. They admit that they have faced a lot of rejection so far, and that some people have accused them of looking for a handout. So far they have a dress and a venue, but not much else.
Still, they remain optimistic. He’s a former television reporter and she works in public relations, according to the TV station, so they both know a thing or two about getting things sponsored.