Now that it's nearly time to undeck the halls, find out where to bring your Christmas tree for recycling.
It’s December 27th. The presents have all been unwrapped, the malls have returned (almost) to normal, and maybe you have started thinking about undecking the halls. Most people will keep their trees up through at least New Year’s Day, but it’s time to start thinking about taking down the Christmas tree in a few days and how to dispose of it.
Now that it’s nearly time to undeck the halls, find out where to bring your Christmas tree for recycling.
The City of Philadelphia is in its 28th year of providing a Christmas tree recycling program for residents. The program will run from January 2nd through January 14th, and the city will mulch and recycle the tree for you, free of cost. All you have to do is undecorate the tree completely – no ornaments or tinsel or garlands – and bring it to one of the tree recycling sites throughout the city.
As per CBS3, here is a list of where you can drop off your dead Christmas tree:
Carlton Williams with the Philadelphia Streets Department says that an alternative to dropping the Christmas trees off with the city is for residents to chop them up and recycle them themselves. “If people really want to go through the effort of shredding up their tree and placing it in the back yard, it’s a great way to give back to the environment,” he told the local CBS station.
Williams also explained that there is an option for people who don’t have a car to haul their trees to one of the recycling centers: “If you don’t have a car to bring it to one of those six convenience centers, we do have a special set of collection days through various locations throughout the community on Saturdays,” Williams explained.
Now you know that you have a few different options for saying goodbye to your Christmas tree.