Viva La Blob!
Happy Halloween, friends!
When most people think of iconic moments in Philadelphia cinematic history, they usually imagine Rocky and the Art Museum steps. They are, however, overlooking a landmark silver screen epic set in the City of Brotherly Love: the 1958 classic The Blob. Set in the idyllic Philly suburb of Phoenixville (alias “Downington”), The Blob tells the story of an “alien amoeba” (thank you, Wikipedia!) that crashes to Earth on a meteor and proceeds to roll amok through the community, swallowing up and dissolving anyone unfortunate enough to get in the way.
Viva La Blob!
It’s not haute cinema by any means, but The Blob nonetheless has staked its own place in the collective consciousness over the last half century. It’s now considered a cult classic, enjoying late night TV infamy alongside other Cold War-era chillers about monsters, mayhem, and things that came from outer space. Part of it is because the movie’s essential premise is so ludicrous, no doubt, but also, I think, because it was just a lot of fun. And speaking of fun-
Phoenixville is so proud of it’s Blobby history that, each July, it actually recreates the film’s most memorable scene. Hundreds of locals pack the historic Colonial Theater and then rush the doors en masse in an event known as “The Run-Out.” In a scene straight from the pictures, the theatergoers scream and flee as if being chased by a tidal wave of homicidal Jello. The swarm usually goes down in July, and The Blobfest also includes a festival, competitions, and general community merrymaking.
Spooky! Here’s hoping your evening is full of terrific tricks and tasty treats, with no blobbification to be had. And if you choose to stay in, you at least have an idea as to which movie you should pop in the player.